What The Cluck


I followed the minor Game Technology during my exchange period at the Hochschule der Medien in Stuttgart, Germany. Here I worked on a large-scaled project with 26 other students. What the Cluck is a frantic 4v4 Cross-Platform Multiplayer Arena game, where you have to throw chickens to gain control over the enemy's barn. I was part of the Engineering department and mainly worked on various gameplay mechanics for the game. I mostly worked with the Blueprint system of Unreal but I also did a little bit of C++ coding during this project. Besides the gameplay mechanics, like the pickup, throwing and catching abilities, I also worked on implementing the sounds. Click Here for more information about What The Cluck.


  • Tools: Unreal Engine 4
  • Language: Blueprint Visual Scripting, C++
  • Platform: PC, PS4
  • Role: Engineer (Game Programmer)
  • Duration: 6 months
  • When: February 2017 - July 2017